
Prof. Rong Gang Li (Chair)

Prof. Li is the inventor of the UTCMH Acupuncture, the founder of Home of Canadian TCM Society, and a disciple of Dr. Zhi Ming Liu, the National TCM Grandmaster of China. He was awarded in the "Top Hundred Representative of Hundred Occupations" and top ten medical system inventions for his acupuncture system. He authored the book "UTCMH Science of Acupuncture." He taught at several international TCM colleges in Canada, and his students came from different countries and regions. His acupuncture system has been studied globally and he has nearly one hundred disciples practicing his acupuncture system globally. From the year 2015 to 2022, Prof. Li taught over 300 Acupuncture training sessions and lectures worldwide, benefiting more than 10,000 TCM practitioners and acupuncturists.

In addition, Prof. Li founded HCTCMS and relentlessly organized and sponsored major international TCM promotion events, raising awareness of TCM benefits in community medical services. Recognizing his effort, on February 18, 2020, the BC Provincial Parliament read a statement acknowledging HCTCMS's contributions to the BC communities. Under his leadership, HCTCMS hosted World TCM & Acupuncture Week consecutively in 2021 and 2022, winning high praises from both communities and Canadian governments. The Canadian Prime Minister sent congratulatory letters, and different levels of government officials from both Canada and China either attended or sent congratulatory messages. The event was covered by several television and digital medias, with the coverage at Lahoo.ca reached over 7 million views globally (excluding China). In 2023, at the Third World TCM & Acupuncture Week in Vancouver, Canada, BC MLA Hon. Anne Kang. former Minister of Education, and current Minister of Municipal Affairs, officially tributed the event as Traditional Chinese Medicine Practitioners and Acupuncturists Week. On behalf of the BC Premier David Eby, Minister Kang presented a certificate to Prof. Li. This is a significant monument in promotion of TCM profession across the world!

The COVID-19 pandemic exposed the inefficiencies and scarce medical resources within Canada. Prof. Li believed that the TCM practitioners in the country could be in an integral role to build top-notch community medical services while offsetting the rising cost of Canadian healthcare expenditure. Thus, he decided to establish CTCMDA, a new platform for associations, communities, and governments to collaborate, together advancing medical healthcare services that can benefit for all Canadian residents.

Dr. John Lee (Co-Chair)

Dr. Lee is a registered doctor of TCM in BC, Canada, with a doctoral degree from Guangzhou University of Chinese Medicine, and a visiting professorship (2009-2015). He served as an executive director of the World Federation of Chinese Medicine Societies and the chief TCM physician at Jishi TCM Clinic. From 2012 to 2015, he was appointed by Health Canada as a member of the Advisory Council on TCM, providing constructive advice on federal TCM policies. In 2012, he co-founded the Canadian Coalition of TCM and Acupuncture Associations (CCTAA) with representatives from regulated TCM professional bodies in five Canadian provinces, serving as its chairman. He led the national TCM communities in advocating for federal legislative changes to exempt TCM and acupuncture services from GST/HST, successfully achieving this goal in February 2014. This exemption marked a milestone, establishing TCM practitioners as recognized healthcare professionals in Canada.

As the president of the QATCMA (Qualified Acupuncturists and Traditional Chinese Medicine Practitioners Association of BC), he initiated the successful campaign to include acupuncture in the BC Medical Services Plan (MSP) in 2007, achieving this in April 2008. BC remains the only Canadian province to include acupuncture in its healthcare coverage, setting a new milestone for TCM development in Canada. In 2008, he led the BC TCM communities in addressing unreasonable regulations in Bill C-51 concerning Chinese herbal medicine, influencing the federal government's policy revisions through dialogue and recommendations.

He has previously served as president of the National Traditional Chinese Medicine Society (NTCM) of Canada and as a lecturer and professor at PCU College of Holistic Medicine and Shanghai University of Traditional Chinese Medicine. Over the past 20 years, he has been actively involved in TCM legislation, rights advocacy, and policy recommendations, significantly contributing to the development of TCM in Canada. With over 40 years of clinical experience, he specializes in TCM internal medicine, gynecology, rehabilitation for high-level paraplegia and stroke, and post-cancer recovery, showcasing the unique advantages of TCM. His adherence to traditional TCM diagnostic and treatment principles underscores the indispensable role of TCM and acupuncture within the modern healthcare system.